Wolters Kluwer, in its IP Today newsletter, provided a chart here listing the current "U.S. Supreme Court Docket, October 2015 Term — Intellectual Property Cases," with links to the docket ...
Today, in a case of first impression, Rosebud LMS Inc. v. Adobe Sys. Inc., __ F.3d __ (Fed. Cir. 2016)(Moore, J.), following grant of the patent, the court denied pre-grant compensation ...
The Board affirmed a Section 2(e)(1) refusal to register HEALTHY HEMP, finding it merely descriptive of "bakery goods; breads; tortillas; all of the foregoing containing hemp" [HEMP disclaimed]. Applicant argued ...
The Board was not pleased with Applicant Rani Sachdev's motion for a protective order, filed on the day her discovery responses were due. It denied the motion as deficient and ...
The Board affirmed a Section 2(e)(1) refusal to register the mark CARBON ELIMINATOR, finding it to be merely descriptive of "non-chemical enzyme fuel additive" [CARBON disclaimed]. Applicant's own specimen of ...
The Board sustained Monster Energy's opposition to registration of the M Design mark shown below left, finding it likely to cause confusion with Monster Energy's registered design mark shown below ...
Yours truly, the TTABlogger, will share the podium with TTAB Judge Lorelei Ritchie at a luncheon gathering of the Beverly Hills Bar Association, for a presentation entitled "The TTAB Comes ...
Jim Laughlin was leader within the patent community and was a named partner in Smith, Benoit & Laughlin. He held important positions in various bar associations and was a good ...
How Often Did the TTAB Affirm a Section 2(d) Refusal in 2015? a 2(e)(1) Mere Descriptiveness Refusal?
This weekend I went to the TTAB's FOIA page in an attempt to determine, or at least estimate, the percentage of Section 2(d) likelihood-of-confusion refusals and Section 2(e)(1) mere descriptiveness ...
The Trademark Trial and Appeal Board has scheduled five (5) oral hearings for the month of February, as listed below. The hearings will be held in the East Wing of ...