A TTAB judge once said to me that one can predict the outcome of a Section 2(d) case 95% of the time just by looking at the marks and the ...
In an exhaustive 70-page opinion, the Board denied a petition for cancellation of a registration for the mark BROOKLYN BREW SHOP and dismissed an opposition to that mark in stylized form, ...
The USPTO is seeking applications for the position of Administrative Trademark Judge at the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board. The application period is open until September 8, 2020. Further details may ...
In a nonprecedential decision, the CAFC affirmed the TTAB's entry of judgment against Respondent Kris Kaszuba, granting a petition for cancellation of his registration for the mark HOLLYWOOD BEER for beer, ...
The Board consolidated four oppositions to registration of the proposed mark GRUYERE as a certification mark for "cheese," and then sustained three of them on the ground of genericness. It dismissed ...
The Board sustained this opposition to a Section 66(a) application for the mark NESPORT for various products in classes 5, 30, and 32, including nutritional supplements, energy bars, and sports drinks, ...
This rather mundane Section 2(d) appeal was apparently deemed precedential because of the applicant's attempt, in its appeal brief, to amend the identification of goods in its application, without ...
The USPTO refused to register the mark CHRONICLE for beer, finding a likelihood of confusion with the identical mark registered for restaurant services. The Board observed that there is no per se rule ...
The CAFC dismissed an appeal from the TTAB's May 3, 2019 decision [here] dismissing the Royal Crown parties' consolidated opposition to sixteen trademarks containing the term ZERO. In the opposition, RC ...
Petitioner Anand K. Chakayala, rather than respond to Praise Broadcastings's discovery requests, filed a motion for summary judgment in this proceeding for cancellation of a registration for the mark PRAISELIVE ...