The CAFC reversed the TTAB's decision in adidas AG v. Christian Faith Fellowship Church, Cancellation No. 92053314 (September 14, 2014) [not precedential], ruling that the sale of two hats at ...
Our recent email (as captioned above) may have created the impression that the PTO leadership has an anti-patentee attitude. Based upon an interview the Commissioner gave to the IPWatchdog this ...
The Trademark Trial and Appeal Board has scheduled seven (7) oral hearings for the month of November 2016. The hearings will be held in the East Wing of the Madison ...
On November 30th a seminar will be held in Tokyo that will deal with the role of Brazil in the global patent arena that will feature his Excellency, the Brazilian ...
TTAB Test: Is This Specimen Acceptable for “ELLE SCHNEIDER” for Video Production and Script Writing Services?
Opposer Hachette claimed that the applied-for mark ELLE SCHNEIDER fails to function as a service mark for video production and script writing services. Applicant Lauren R. Schneider's specimen of use ...
Attached is an open letter to the leadership of the patent community. It challenges leaders to come forward at the dawn of a new Administration to change the direction of ...
Congratulations to the partners of both Arnold & Porter LLP and Kaye Scholer LLP. They have announced their merger effective January 1, 2017, to a practice styled as Arnold & ...
Clarence Ditlow attended night law school in Washington, D.C., in the mid-1960’s, working in the day as a Patent Examiner in the Commerce Department main building. He was known at ...
TTAB Affirms Refusal of “HARAJ” (Persian) for Advertising Services: Highly Descriptive, Lacks Acquired Distinctiveness
The Board affirmed a refusal to register the mark shown below (Persian, in Arabic script) for "classified advertising services," the panel majority finding the mark merely descriptive and lacking in ...
The Naples Patent Roundtable, Inc. is accepting reservations for its annual conference January 14-17 at the beachfront Naples Beach Hotel. The Naples Roundtable, Inc., is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization with ...