LAIPLA Women in IP June Event
Tuesday, June 4, 2019
Venable LLP
Please join the LAIPLA and Women in IP for a fireside chat with Ida Abbott regarding mentoring and gender. Mentoring is based on a relationship. Forming that relationship between men and women can be challenging, especially in the wake of #MeToo. In this fireside chat, we will discuss men mentoring and sponsoring women as well as the benefit of woman sponsoring and mentoring men. The event is not specific to intellectual property law and is open to attorneys in all practice groups. Both men and women are welcome and encouraged to come.
Please note that parking is available in the building, but is not included in pricing and cannot be validated.
Judiciary: No Charge
Early Bird: In-House, Student or Government Attorney: $25
In-House, Student or Government Attorney: $35 (after May 24th)
Early Bird pricing for Members: $45
Members: $60 (after May 24th)
Early Bird pricing for Non-Members: $55
Non-Members: $70 (after May 24th)
Ida Abbott, President, Ida Abbott Consulting
Ida Abbott helps clients throughout the world develop, manage and retain legal talent. She is also a valued mentor and coach, working with senior lawyers on leadership and retirement transitions. With more than four decades as a lawyer and consultant, she has long been a leader in the field of legal talent management, particularly mentoring, sponsorship, and retention and advancement of women. In recognition of her lifetime contributions to the profession, she has been elected a Fellow of both the American Bar Foundation and the College of Law Practice Management. Ida is a sought-after speaker and the author of several seminal books, including The Lawyer’s Guide to Mentoring, 2d Edition, and Sponsoring Women: What Men Need to Know. More information about Ida and her work can be found at www.IdaAbbott.com.
Questions? Contact the LAIPLA office at office@laipla.net or call 323-285-1654.
Sponsorship? See LAIPLA Sponsorship Opportunities 2017-2018 for this event and others.
Tuesday, June 4, 2019
12pm – 1:30pm; lunch will be served
Venable LLP
2049 Century Park East, Suite 2300
Los Angeles, CA 90067
Contact the LAIPLA office at office@laipla.net or call 323-285-1654.