Yesterday at the George Washington University Law School in a patent law conference focused on Brazil, former Federal Circuit Chief Judge Randall R. Rader presented interesting views on several issues: ...
Today in Enfish, LLC v. Microsoft Corp., __ F.3d __ (Fed. Cir. 2016) (Hughes, J.), the court reversed a summary judgment holding that the claims of the patent lack patent-eligibility ...
Today in the Bexsero case, GlaxoSmithKline UK Ltd. v. Wyeth Holdings LLC, [2016]EWHC 1045(CH)(Carr, J.), in the course of a lengthy opinion dealing with validity and infringement, the trial judge ...
According to a reliable source, congratulations are in order for Nate Kelley, named Solicitor of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office; and David Ruschke, to be the permanent permanent Chief ...
“Mountain Time Zone” Strategy for a Third Party Presidency: As previously reported, a conservative third party candidate running only in select Mountain Time Zone states would represent an “insurance policy” ...
The previous email noting the possibility of a third party election has stimulated discussion: If George Romney were to run as a third party candidate in only several Rocky Mountain ...
Pundits say that Mr. Trump holds all the cards in the Republican Party. They do not take into consideration the very viable opening for a third party “Mountain Time Zone” ...
Medicines Co. Side Show: Yesterday, the full en banc Federal Circuit held its oral hearing in Medicines Co. v. Hospira to consider one of the many inequitable fact patterns that arise ...
Bob Frank was a New York patent attorney who had worked for GTE until 1971 when he moved to the Washington, D.C., area to join Stevens, Davis, Miller & Mosher. ...

Helsinn Healthcare: Does § 102 of the New Patent Law Abrogate Metallizing Engineering?: GOVERNMENT BRIEF
The Government has now filed an amicus curiae brief in strong support of the position that the Leahy Smith America Invents Act overruled Metallizing Engineering. Like the amicus effort of ...