Young Lawyers Committee Spring Reception
The LAIPLA Young Lawyers Committee invites all young lawyers and law students to a casual happy hour at The Wellesbourne – just a few blocks from Century City, we will have their back patio reserved, some guest speakers to talk about new issues in IP law, and an open bar (to a limit J)! Speakers will be announced in the coming weeks, but no need to wait: register now to reserve your spot! We hope to see you there!
Young Lawyers/Law Students - $15
The LAIPLA – Young Lawyers Mixer is an LAIPLA Member Only Event. If you are not currently an LAIPLA member, you can join here: https://laipla.wildapricot.
In order to receive a refund, notice of cancellation must be received by Friday, May 6th to office@laipla.net. Refunds will not be issued for cancellations received after Friday, May 6th.
Thursday, May 12, 2022
6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
add to calendar
The Wellesbourne
10929 W Pico Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90064
Contact the LAIPLA office at office@laipla.net or call 323-285-1654.
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Silver Sponsor
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