For a mark to be deemed primarily geographically descriptive under Section 2(e)(2), it must be shown that (1) the mark’s primary significance is a generally known geographic location; (2) the relevant public would be likely to make a goods/place association, that is, would be likely to believe that the goods originate in the place named in the mark; and (3) the goods do originate in that place. When the goods do come from the location named, then a goods/place association may be presumed.
Marks found to be primarily geographically descriptive under Section 2(e)(2):
- AMERICAN VETERINARY NURSES ASSOCIATION Geographically Descriptive of Veterinary Services, Says TTAB
- TTAB Sustains Opposition to SCOTTSDALE TAXI: Geographically Descriptive and Lacks Acquired Distinctiveness
- TTAB Affirms Geographical Descriptiveness Refusal of LEIPER’S FORK DISTILLERY for Clothing
- TTAB Affirms Section 2(e)(2) Refusal of LAUGHLIN RANCH: Geographically Descriptive of Golf Courses and Spas
- TTAB Test: Is DEEP SOUTH Geographically Descriptive of Movie Studio Services? [Yes]
- TTAB Test: Is MERSIN (Turkey) Primarily Merely Geographically Descriptive of Cheese? [Yes]
- WYHA?: “STRETCH LA” Geographically Descriptive of Therapeutic Stretching Services, Says TTAB
- TTAB Finds CAROLINA’S SUMMER HUMMER Geographically Descriptive of Alcoholic Beverages
- TTAB Denies Request for Reconsideration of REDNECK RIVIERA Decision
- TTAB Test: Is REDNECK RIVIERA Geographically Descriptive of Entertainment Services? [Yes]
- Precedential No. 22: TTAB Affirms Geographical Descriptiveness Refusal of HOLLYWOOD LAWYERS ONLINE for Online Referral Services
- TTAB Sustains Opposition to LAGUNA CANDLES: Geographically Descriptive of Candles
- Test Your TTAB Judge-Ability: Is ACHOUFFE Primarily Geographically Descriptive of Beer? [Yes]
- TTAB Affirms Geographical Descriptiveness Refusal of NEWBRIDGE HOME for Household Goods
- TTAB Affirms Section 2(e)(2) Geographical Descriptiveness Refusal of PITTSBURGH GLASS WORKS for Glass
- TTAB Affirms 2(e)(2) Refusal of “THE MUNICH & Design” for Business Services Without a Disclaimer of MUNICH
- TTAB Finds FIRE ISLAND Primarily Geographically Descriptive of Beer
- NORTH AMERICAN RANGE Primarily Geographically Descriptive of Beef, Says TTAB
- TTAB Affirms 2(e)(2) Refusal of EAST COAST for Vehicle Towing Services
- WYHA? TTAB Finds CALIFORNIA GREEN CLEAN Primarily Geographically Descriptive of Janitorial Services
- TTAB Finds “ROC USA” to be Primarily Geographically Descriptive but Registrable Under Section 2(f)
- TTAB Affirms 2(e)(2) Geographical Descriptiveness Refusal of “US PATIENT REGISTRY” for Medical Information Database
- TTAB Sustains Nike’s Section 2(e)(2) Opposition to “B-MORE” for Clothing
- “CHÊNE DES DOMAINES DE FRANCE” Geographically Descriptive of Wood from France, Knot Registrable, Says TTAB
- Precedential No. 4: TTAB Affirms Triple Refusal of “NORMANDIE CAMEMBERT” for Cheese
- “AMERICAN MASALA” Geographically Descriptive of Food Products, Says TTAB
- Precedential No. 66: TTAB Finds “YOSEMITE BEER” Geographically Descriptive, Affirms 2(e)(2) Refusal
- TTAB Affirms 2(e)(2) Refusal of “CONFERENCE AMERICA” as Geographically Descriptive
- TTAB Squashes “NEW YORK CURRANTS,” Finding It Primarily Geographically Descriptive
- Citable No. 33: TTAB Affirms 2(e)(2) Refusal of “BAIKALSKAYA” as Geographically Descriptive of Vodka
- TTAB Okays “SWISSAIRE” Drawing But Affirms 2(e)(2) Refusal
Marks found not to be primarily geographically descriptive under Section 2(e)(2):
- Precedential No. 3: TTAB Reverses Section 2(e)(2) Geographical Descriptiveness Refusal of BA BEEF for Beef
- TTAB Reverses Disclaimer Requirement: ANAHEIM Not Geographically Descriptive of Clothing
- Twin TTAB Test: Is ALLEN HOTEL Confusable With ETHAN ALLEN for Lodging Services? Is it Geographically Descriptive? [Yes]
- TTAB Test: Is EAST END Geographically Descriptive of a Houston Applicant’s Alcoholic Beverages? [No]
- TTAB Affirms Rejection of New Drawing, Reverses Geographical Refusal of OAK PARK Design Mark for Beer
- “BJNI” Not Geographically Descriptive of Mineral Waters, Says TTAB
- TTAB Reverses Geographical Descriptiveness Refusal of “CASS PARK VILLAGE”
- SUGARLANDS DISTILLING COMPANY Not Geographically Descriptive of Moonshine, But Confusable with SUGARLAND CELLARS for Wine
- CAFC Reverses TTAB: NEWBRIDGE HOME Not Geographically Descriptive of Cutlery
- Test Your TTAB Judge-Ability: Is BOATS DIRECT USA Geographically Descriptive of Boat Dealerships? [No]
- Test Your TTAB Judge-Ability: Is ASHBURN Geographically Descriptive of Blankets?
- TTAB Reverses 2(e)(2) Refusal: KAPALUA Not Geographically Descriptive of Retail Store Services
- Test Your TTAB Judge-Ability: Is TINSELTOWN Geographically Descriptive of Clothing from Hollywood? [No]
- Test Your TTAB Judge-Ability: Is “MDF IT & Design” Primarily Geographically Descriptive of Furniture? [No]
- “METRO LIVING & Design” Not Descriptive of Real Estate Brokerage Services, Says TTAB
- Reversing a 2(e)(2) Geographical Descriptiveness Refusal, TTAB Asks, Where The Heck Is WINDHOEK?
- Test Your TTAB Judge-Ability: Is This “HOT SPRINGS NATIONAL PARK ARKANSAS” Logo Primarily Geographically Descriptive? [No]
- TTAB Reverses Section 2(e)(2) Refusal of “CATALINA ISLAND GRANOLA”: Goods/Place Association Lacking
- Finding “BELL HILL” for Wine and “BELL’S” for Beer Too Dissimilar, TTAB Dismisses 2(d) Opposition
- Finding Double Entendre, TTAB Reverses 2(e)(2) Refusal of “PROFUMO DE FIRENZE” for Perfume
- Precedential No. 14: TTAB Finds “THE MONTECITO DIET” Not Primarily Geographically Descriptive of Diet Publications
- “ROMANTIC ROAD” 2(e)(2) Cancellation Proceeding Hits Dead End: Summary Judgment to Registrant
- Citable No. 40: TTAB Finds “BALASHI” Not Primarily Geographically Descriptive of Beer
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Text Copyright John L. Welch 2019.