Well-known survey expert Hal Poret rebuts the oft-cited view that Eveready surveys are appropriate only to test for likelihood of confusion where the senior mark is “top-of-mind,” and supports his argument with original survey research he designed and conducted in conjunction with this article.
Reflection: Trademark Office: Year-End Wrap-Up, by Mary Boney Denison
Mary Boney Denison, United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) Commissioner for Trademarks, looks back on her tenure—which ends in 2019—and provides readers with valuable insights from inside the USPTO.
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TTABlog comment: Once again, I thank The Trademark Reporter for allowing me to make this issue available to my dear (and not-so-dear) readers. This issue of the TMR is Copyright © 2019, the International Trademark Association and is made available with the permission of The Trademark Reporter®.
Text Copyright John L. Welch 2019.