ABA-IPL Section and the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) will host the 7th Annual ABA-IPL Trademark Day on Wednesday, September 18, 2019 at the USPTO headquarters in Alexandria, Virginia. [Register here]. Some of the topics for new trademark practitioners include an introduction to TTAB practice and a review of best practice tips; topics for experienced practitioners include sessions on non-traditional marks and on how to make effective arguments at the TTAB. The afternoon session will feature a live TTAB Inter Partes or Ex Parte Hearing. CLE credit will be available for this one-day program, involving two tracks of programming: one track covering topics for new practitioners and the other covering topics for experienced practitioners. [More details in this flyer].
Speakers will include Commissioner for Trademarks Mary Boney Denison and Chief Administrative Trademark Judge Gerard F. Rogers, TTAB Judge Michael Adlin, and TTAB Interlocutory Attorneys Catherine Faint and Elizabeth Winter. A more detailed agenda may be found here.